The Azolla Event, a Possible Climate Solution

Azolla is a remarkable fairy-like aquatic fern with properties that could provide an important solution to global warming. Over 50 million years ago CO2 in the atmosphere registered over 3,000 ppm, nearly 8 times today’s levels. Many scientist believe that this tiny fern was the primary contributor in singlehandedly removing most of this carbon from the atmosphere over an 800,000 years period, helping to transform the earth into the green planet we inhabit today. Oceanic cultivation of azolla on a large scale could provide a partial solution to modern climate change. Furthermore it can draw down a ton of nitrogen per acre, resulting in increased rice production and other wetland crops. And it can help remove heavy metals is wastewater.



The Institute for a New Political Cosmology

The Institute promotes transformation of consciousness and culture to a political cosmology based on an ongoing practice of wisdom seeking — the truth quest.