Toxic Forever Chemicals Everywhere

Suspected Industrial discharges of PFAS

Above is a map showing areas of suspected industrial discharges of PFAS. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, are a group of man-made chemicals that have become a major concern for environmental and public health. They are called forever chemicals because they break down very slowly in the environment. These chemicals are so toxic that the EPA has recommended the allowable level in drinking water be reduced to .02 parts per trillion. One part per trillion is equivalent to 1 second out of 32,000 years, and we are talking about 2/100s of a part, which equals 1 second in 1,600,000 years. It is almost beyond imagining. The levels in fresh water fish in the US often exceed 8000 parts per trillion, so that it is no longer safe to eat fish caught in American lakes and streams. Furthermore, the problem is not limited to the US. A recent study revealed that rainwater everywhere on the planet is unsafe to drink because of these chemicals. Of course rainwater supplies much of the tap water we normally drink.

Since these chemicals are everywhere, it is very difficult to avoid them. You can use water filtration systems, avoid non-stick cookware and commercial food packaging, etc. But really these chemicals need to be made illegal immediately. Talk to your friends, write your congressional and state representatives. Tell them they must not allow the chemical corporations to poison you, your loved ones, and planet earth. We should not have to fear the rain and the water we drink.

An important take away principle for cultural consciousness change is that instead of trying to clean up an impossible mess that should never have been made in the first place, minimize production of non-biodegradable synthetics. Focus creative chemical engineering on biodegradables. Measure the cost benefit of any new proposed item not in market-profit terms but in ecological terms. Chemical engineering and all commodity production needs to be committed to ecological thinking from the start, not after these forever disasters.



The Institute for a New Political Cosmology

The Institute promotes transformation of consciousness and culture to a political cosmology based on an ongoing practice of wisdom seeking — the truth quest.