Two Inspiring Podcast Collections Illuminating the New Cosmology

The first is This site includes podcasts on all sorts of green subjects, all of which are worth a listen, but I especially recommend #367 on the essense of community, both human and non-human. The host and interviewer, Kamea, engages in lively and informative conversations with new cosmology leaders in ecology, community, philosophy, green economics, etc.

The second is For the Wild and calls itself “An Anthology of the Anthropocene,” with over 320 brilliant podcasts. Interviewing many of the leading visionaries of our world, the podcasts focus on “the struggle to protect wild nature, to promote ecological renewal…and to heal from the disconnection furthered by consumer culture and human supremacy.”

For the Wild

Both sites are easy to browse and navigate and include a wealth of valuable and creatively presented ideas in discussion format. They contain a wealth of wisdom and beauty as they participate in the construction of the new cosmology.



The Institute for a New Political Cosmology

The Institute promotes transformation of consciousness and culture to a political cosmology based on an ongoing practice of wisdom seeking — the truth quest.